I was provided products from Learn 365 by Oriental Trading for the purposes of this post. All opinions are 100% my own.
While I was happily perusing Learn 365 by Oriental Trading a few weeks ago for some of our Must Have Homeschool Supplies, I stumbled across multiple resources to incorporate with our daily curriculum as well. I was thrilled to select a few products to truly round out our lessons each day. We’ve used so many of these amazing curriculum options already, and I know we’ll continue to get great use of them over the year and into the future.
Selecting each item was a breeze. I love that you can navigate by subject area or by grade level. I’ll be honest…I did a bit of both, and found such cool stuff! My favorite find, by far, would have to be the Learning Magnets® Blue Kidboard™. We use ours daily with a ton of magnetic learning resources. The sets we use most often are the sets of Upper Case Letters, Lower Case Letters, the Critter Counting Set. My preschooler and pre-k’er especially are getting daily use out of them! They use the letters to math upper to lower case, to work on remembering each letter, and to begin letter sounds. We’ve used the critter counters to match to magnetic numbers {actually from another Learn 365 available set}.
I think my kids enjoy using these Kidboards and magnet sets so much because, let’s be honest, magnets are just fun! I even like using them! Check out this post for more ideas on other Learning Magnet Sets you can use with your kids! Another GREAT use for these would be in the car…pieces won’t go flying because they’re magnets! Everything would stay secured to the board.
Other favorite Learning Magnet Sets we use on a weekly basis:
Learning Animals | Shapes Activity | Letter Sounds
Addition | Numbers & Counting
They’re all truly fantastic! They’d be great stored in tubs as easy morning work activities in the regular classroom. We use them daily, many times during transitional periods when I’m either getting something else prepped or putting some previous work away. They not only occupy my kids, they are very useful in helping them learn!
Another few items that I’ve been wanting for a LONG time, especially for my first grader are dry erase Hundreds Boards and Number Lines. We literally use a hundreds chart and a number line daily with our Saxon Math Curriculum. I was constantly losing paper copies of both, and finding easy to use, dry erase versions have helped tremendously with our math instruction. Plus, if you thought kids loved magnets, just wait until they’re able to use dry erase markers. Their little hearts seriously skip a beat when I hand them a marker of any kind.
The Number Order & Sequencing Cards go beautifully with any Hundreds Chart work. My first grader loves solving the mystery of which numbers should also be included on each card. And again, they’re dry erase, so he can write directly onto the cards. This is an easy activity that he can work on independently if I’m with his little brother or sister.
We also just started working on are compound words. Thankfully my first grader loves to read and totally soared with it last year in Kindergarten. This year we’ve been reviewing some of our phonics lessons from the end of Kindergarten and just starting learning about compound words. He thinks they’re fun {which I’m totally going with} and these Compound Word Guessing Game cards seriously make him laugh out loud.
The pictures on the cards are easy to read and figure out and they’re self-checking. He’s been requesting a stack of cards each day to try to figure out and has yet to be truly stumped.
What other things have YOU found at Learn365 by Oriental Trading? There are TONS of resources available to enhance any curriculum, homeschool or public/private school. I’m interested in checking out the nonfiction leveled readers sometime in the near future!

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