We are about a month into our first year of homeschooling, and I feel like we’re going strong! There are some days that it’s a bit of a struggle for both of us, but I know in the end, all of my planning and preparing will be well worth it. I’m already seeing growth in my Pre-K kiddo and am so proud of him!
One area that we’ve really been spending a lot of time on together is truly mastering his numbers. I’m not talking about simply counting…he can do that all day long. What I found was that he had difficulty recognizing the actual numbers themselves, most specifically 6-10. My thinking in taking the time to really zone in on this most basic of math principles is that so many things he does will build upon a quick recognition of those 10 numbers. I want him to know them like the back of his hand, so I’ve tried to find lots of different ways to work on this skill with him. Some of our favorites and most helpful methods are shared below!
Free Number Recognition Printable | Dot Number Mazes | Fall Tree Number Idea | Cupcake Counting
Teach Number Cards | Counting Caterpillar | Bug Number Cards | Pumpkin Count and Clip
Number Trail Mix | Fill the Dump Truck | Number Instructions | Lego Mat
Pipe Cleaner Counting | Counting Activity Tray | Number Activity Mats | Duplo Counting Cards
For even more Pre-K Math activities and ideas, you can follow along on Pinterest! I’m always pinning new ideas to try out with my little guy.
Follow Wait Til Your Father Gets Home’s board Preschool Math on Pinterest.

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