Before the New Year, I shared my tutorial for easy mini hair bows over at Smart School House. In case you missed it, here it is again!
These bows make the perfect gift for any little girl in your life and would be super cute in an Easter basket or as part of a fun birthday gift as well.
Now, if you’re a Wait Til Your Father Gets Home regular, you know that I really have no reason to be making mini hair bows. Two boys=no need for bows in this household. But, I do have a sweet niece and a couple other little ladies in my life that I’ve recently showered with these tiny little gifts. And now, with baby bean number three baking away in my belly, perhaps, some mini hair bows will be needed in the future. We won’t know until August though whether we will be welcoming hair bows into our house or not!
To make a couple of your own, you’ll need:
rubber shelf liner
3/8 inch wide ribbon
small alligator clips
white felt
hot glue gun/glue sticks
Pictured above is what you’ll need per mini hair bow:
3- 3 inch pieces of ribbon
1 alligator clip
small pieces of shelf liner and felt {should be the same size as your clip}
To make each bow, you’ll do the following:
1. Tie one piece of ribbon with a single knot in the center of the ribbon.
2. Use a lighter to seal the ends of each piece of ribbon to avoid any fraying.
3. Hot glue the remaining two pieces of ribbon into individual loops, then flatten each loop and add a dab of hot glue in the center of the loop. To assemble the bow, you’ll criss-cross the flattened loops and secure them with a dab of hot glue. Place the knotted ribbon over the two flattened ribbons, hot glue the knot to the front of the bow, then wrap the leftover pieces around the back, secure with hot glue and cut.
4. Now that your bow is prepared, you’ll want to prep the alligator clip. Using the same ribbon, still on the spool, seal the end of the ribbon with the lighter and then hot glue it to the back of the alligator clip, about 1/4 of the way from the end you pinch to open it up.
5. Carefully using the hot glue, line the actual alligator clamp, the top of the clip and a bit of the top inside of the clip with your ribbon. Cut the ribbon so that it covers about halfway on the inside top of the clip and seal the end with the lighter before gluing it.
6. Hot glue the piece of felt to the top inside of the clip, then glue the rubber shelf liner piece to the felt. Using the rubber liner will decrease the clip pulling or pinching any of that fine baby hair on your little lady’s head!
7. Once the clip is lined, you’re ready to hot glue the bow to the top of the clip!
I like to give these as gifts in sets of 3. Clip them onto a pretty note card decorated with washi tape, and you’re good to go!
Who would you make a mini hair bow for this year?!
For more awesome and easy Easter basket ideas, make sure to check out this list of over twenty eight crafty and cute ideas you could use this year!

These are so cute!
So cute!!!
I’m looking for different things to make for my little niece. This is perfect, Thank you.
My daughter constantly loses hair bows so this is great!
These are just adorable! I would like to make them for myself haha!!! So cute! Pinning!
Thanks Emily 🙂
So sweet! Thanks for the tutorial, Meredith! pinned 🙂
What a cute addition to an easter basket!
Thanks for the tutorial. I have been working on a headband making station for my Niece’s baby shower and I happened to buy some of these clips today! Can’t wait to make some, these will be a great addition.
Awesome…they will be perfect for her 🙂
This would be a fun gift for LC’s girlfriend, Princess Pickle!
haha, love it!!
This would be a fun gift for LC’s girlfriend, Princess Pickle!
this is great to know! I was just wondering how I could make some bows for my little girl!
So cute! I love when little girls have cute little hair bows in their hair.
I found your adorable hair bows via pinterest and would love to offer them as a craft for a women’s group craft night. May I use your instructions with credit to you?