I’m so excited to partner with Pillsbury in this sponsored post and share with you their awesome {and delicious} gluten free products!
I’ve tried {honestly I have} lately to buy more gluten free and organic products for my family. I consider a shopping trip very successful when most of the products I purchase are fresh, wholesome, and grown from the ground.
But, sometimes a mom just wants some cookies. I’ve got a serious weakness for those ready-made cookie dough tubs and rolls that Pillsbury so conveniently packages for me. You can imagine my surprise {and joy} when I discovered that my friends at Pillsbury have taken the gluten free plunge too!
Just in time for some serious cookie baking this holiday season, I found Gluten Free Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough by Pillsbury at my local grocery store.
After perusing Pillsbury’s extensive recipe suggestions on their website, I decided to put my own spin on a chocolate and sea salt cookie.
To make about two dozen you’ll need:
1 tub of Gluten Free Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough by Pillsbury
1/2 cup semi sweet chocolate chip cookies
1/3 cup chopped pecans
2 t of coarse sea salt {more or less depending on how salty you like your cookies}
Before you assemble these cookies, you of course will need to bake them. Simply plop a spoonful of cookie dough onto an ungreased cookie sheet, bake according to package directions, and let them cool for at least 10 minutes.
{please excuse the grossness that is my cookie sheet…I might need to request a new one from Santa}
As soon as the cookies cooled, I melted the semi-sweet chocolate chips {also according to package directions}, and I drizzled the chocolate over the baked cookies. Before the chocolate hardened, I sprinkled the chopped pecans and some coarse sea salt over each cookie.
I’ve already asked Santa which cookies he’d prefer on his cookie plate this year, and he has requested these!
So, why gluten free?!
1. All three varieties come in convenient, refrigerated containers and will be available at major grocery retailers and super centers.
2. Instead of thawing frozen gluten free bread products or combining dry-mix items, you can just use the refrigerated dough and eliminate extra preparation.
3. In addition to being convenient, the new dough has a delicious taste the whole family will appreciate.
If they’re Santa approved, you know they’re good!
For other delicious Gluten Free Pillsbury recipes, check them out on Pinterest.
Merry Christmas {and HAPPY New Year}!

Meredith, I LOVE the chocolate and sea salt combination! I was about to do the same thing with my gluten-free cookie dough, so funny! These look great, thanks for sharing on your blog and with the Linqia community! 🙂
I never knew Pillsbury had gluten free cookie dough…this is so cool!