I may look pretty glam in my button,
but here is the real deal.
And these two cuties are my blog inspiration.
My motto is:
I wasn’t built for motherhood. It built me.
It’s a work in progress.
So if you get a chance, come and check it out.
When you do you are going to find that I’m the kind of mom
who tries to make her life easier.
With crafting, with cooking, with mothering.
I don’t have the time to be a Pinterest Perfect.
I’m all about the short cuts.
Today you are in luck.
I’m sharing the easiest way to clean out your pantry.
It’s a snack mix only a toddler could love,
hence the name,
Toddler Mix.
As you can see it’s so super easy.
I was sick of all the almost empty boxes
of gold fish, cereal, crackers and cookies in my pantry.
So I grabbed a plastic bowl with a lid,
dumped the almost empty random snacks in,
and called it a day.
And my kiddos loved it!
My hubby too.
He calls it ultimate childhood snack mix.
Or Toddler Mix if you will.
The best part is,
For my Caitlin’s 5th birthday I actually planned the mix.
Pictured above is:
Gold Fish (the rainbow colors)
Coco Puffs
Honey Teddy Grahams
It was a hit!
Need something to keep your little one occupied while they
watch Mickey or Grover?
Look in your pantry.
I bet you’ve got everything you need!

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