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My name is Sarah and I blog over at Becoming Martha, but today, I am so excited to be guest posting here at Wait ‘Til Your Father Gets Home. (Isn’t Meredith awesome?!) Anyway, as part of her back to school series, I thought I would show you my back to school countdown that I am doing with my daughter.
If you want to make one, here’s what you will need:
- a frame (I use one that I had taken a cork board out of) and fabric to wrap around it.
- wooden shapes to decorate frame (I used an owl and a C)
- printables for the front of the countdown cards (make your own or download mine).
- letters for the backs of the cards (again, start from scratch or download mine and use as a guide).
- twine or thin rope
- clothespins (plain or decorated – washi tape would be so cute, but of course, I don’t have any yet)
- treats (I used fancy paper, a sparkly pencil, stickers, an edible treat, keychain, and an ice cream date)
- Record your favorite summer memory with fancy paper and a sparkly pencil.
- Help Mom fill the school snack cupboard and pick out your favorite lunch for the first day.
- Decorate your memory box with new stickers to keep all of your special work from this school year.
- Estimate how many times you will write your name on your new school supplies, and after you do it, see who had the closest estimate. The winner gets a special treat.
- Bake cookies for your new teacher, and try one first to make sure they’re yummy.
- Pack your backpack for the first day of school, and add a new keychain to make it Grade 2 ready!
- Pick out your favorite back to school outfit, and then, put on your favorite summer outfit and go for an ice cream date with Mom.

Very fun idea! I love all the tasks you came up with too 🙂
Sarah – that is ADORABLE! You can tell you are a teacher! I would never have come up with something like that! Amazing! I bet C loves it!!
Very cute idea. Just wanted to thank you, Meredith, for stopping by today and leaving me a sweet comment about the King Ranch Chicken Casserole. I hope you have a great week!
Congratulations! I featured your printable on my blog! Please stop by to pick up your “I’ve Been Featured” button at
Amy @ Some of the Best Things in Life are Mistakes