I'm sure I'm elbows dip in my kitchen baking and cooking up a storm for a certain someone's first birthday party this weekend! While I'm doing that, please enjoy what I've been pinning this week on Pinterest... I'll just share the ingredients for this recipe from Dessert Now, Dinner Later! with you, and you try to tell me that you wouldn't eat a whole pan... caramel, pretzels, graham crackers, … [Read more...]
{favorite pins friday #5 and my first giveaway}
There is a fun giveaway at the end of this post! Make sure to enter to win a $10 Jo Ann's gift card and other fun prizes. Here's what I've be pinning this week... I'm all about red, white, and blue lately, and I love this Star and Stripes Plaque from Jill at Two Yellow Birds Decor. The simplicity of it is awesome and I think you could use it in so many different areas around the house! I might … [Read more...]
{favorite pins friday #2}
Everyone in my house is asleep (but me), so I thought I'd share some of my favorite pins from this past week! I think every new mom out there has one of those fancy shopping cart covers for their little ones. The idea is great and all, but mine just does not stay in place, which ultimately leads to Jackson gnawing at the handle of the cart....YUCK! I love Michaela's solution to this problem! … [Read more...]