I know. It's been a hot second since I last graced you with my prescence. I apologize for my lack of posting. It's truly a case of trying to find exactly what I want to do with my blog and what direction I want to take with it...and not figuring it out quite perfectly yet. I think I'm getting there, so that's a good thing. I will say, while I love crafts and DIY, mama … [Read more...]
{mission possible & a giveaway}
I cannot remember a time growing up that I didn't want to be a teacher. I absolutely loved going to school. I enjoyed meeting my teacher each fall, buying new school supplies, writing in brand new notebooks, growing, changing, and learning with each new school year. {Source} Then my time as a student came to an end, and finally my dreams came true. In the Fall of 2007, I began my (so far very … [Read more...]