I have a super fast craft to share today. The only thing you really have to wait for is paint to dry...fun stuff! Since really getting into Pinterest and blogging, I've been hoarding collecting any can or jar that I use while cooking. I even find myself sometimes buying a certain brand because I want the jar for a project afterwards. Come on, a girl can never have too many empty jars laying … [Read more...]
{covered diaper boxes}
Yes, this is another Pinterest inspired DIY project. I originally discovered the idea from Jen @ IHeart Organizing. Source: iheartorganizing.blogspot.com via Meredith on Pinterest She is the queen of organizing on a dime, and has inspired several reorganization projects in my house including my Kitchen Desk re-org awhile back. Being the mom of an eight month old, I've collected my … [Read more...]
{piles of junk}
I'm not sure about you, but I love the idea of having a built in desk in the kitchen. When we moved into our new home, I was thrilled that it had this feature. My husband on the other hand wasn't crazy about it because he said it would turn into a place that we dump stuff (keys, bills, unread mail, sunglasses, baby stuff...you name it really). Well, he was right. Our kitchen desk typically … [Read more...]
{beer bottle decor}
Before I lose you, I'm not talking about displaying all the beer you've ever had on top of your kitchen cabinets like so many of my friends did in college. Although it might have been considered really cool back then, times have changed. We've traded in our beer bottles for baby bottles most days, but occasionally have some time to enjoy a few with good neighbors and friends! Recently, my … [Read more...]
{calendar girl}
I used to be a devoted planner owner. I shamelessly bought packs and packs of new, colorful pens anytime I went to the store. I was a color-coding, date tracking, write everything down freak of nature. Since quitting my job as a teacher to become a stay at home mom, I rarely find that I need an actual planner to write things down anymore. I don't have meetings to remember, papers to grade, … [Read more...]