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I know it’s Amazon Prime Day (this year for TWO days), so I wanted to make sure to find a few great can’t-miss deals related to homeschooling. I’ll try to update THIS post as I find more items, but at the same time I’m not just going to add things just to add things. I hope at least one of these items jumps out at you and helps you prepare for the new school year (whenever that may be for you).
Laminating pouches ($12.17/51% off)
I have a home laminator that I will use at least once a month for school. I like to laminate our science vocabulary cards so they last longer. The pouches listed are great, and I’ve never had an issue with them peeling or not sticking.
Ticonderoga Pencils ($7.06/61%)
I am not kidding when I 1000% say these are the WORLD’S BEST PENCILS. You will not regret this purchase. They will sharpen like butter. This pack includes 96 pencils. That’s about $.07 a pencil people. You aren’t going to find better deal for a better pencil. GET THEM!
Elmer’s Glue Sticks 30 pack ($7.35/51% off)
Who doesn’t need a glue stick during the school day? I think my children are in constant need of a glue stick on a near daily basis. We use them a lot in our journals and during science. At this price it’s less than $.25 a stick.
Kindle Kids Edition ($64.99/41% off)
I will be honest here…we do not own a Kindle. I am VERY intrigued with getting one though after reading all about them on Everyday Reading. I can see the benefits, especially during their daily quiet time (my kids have “quiet time” for about an hour everyday). If you own one, or if your kids have one, how do YOU like them? Leave me a comment, and let me know what you think!
I’ll make sure to look again this evening and update the post as needed. If you find any amazing Prime Day deals, leave me a comment below!

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