Welp, this year ended on a weird note, didn’t it? Yes, even though we are a homeschooling family, the end of our school year was a little different. You see, in the spring, that’s when I plan so many fun field trips and park days for my kids. Those trips and park days with friends obviously did not happen. Usually I’m crawling through the finish line at the end of May. This year, we were easily done the second week of May (and that’s only because I had to administer mandatory standardized testing for my oldest). Had I not had the testing to get through, we would have been done in the first week for sure.

While it was nice to finish early, I’ll be honest and say we took about ten days off and have jumped right back into our school routine. I’m calling it “summer school” because we’re basically finishing up any remaining curriculum and starting a few new units and read alouds together as a family. My goal is to do school 3-4 days a week through the summer. In order to provide some structure and routine to our days, doing some school work in the mornings is just helpful to us at this time. That doesn’t mean that once things are a little more normal that we won’t take a break, but until that happens, school and learning is a welcome comfort to us.
With that said, we still tried to do most of our typical end of the school year traditions together. I always take a photo of each kid individually and then the three of them together. I use these signs from Yellow Bliss Road because I love the cute pop of color in their grade levels. They come with an accompanying end of year interview that the kids fill out each year as well.

These kids are getting way too big, way too quickly! When I stopped to think about it the other day, I realized that Jackson, my oldest, and I have been homeschooling together since he was three years old doing preschool. We have six years under our belts together, and I’m so thankful that my husband and I started on this journey all those years ago instead of sending them to a preschool.
Are you new here? Are you considering homeschooling for the 2020-2021 school year because of new rules surrounding in-person instruction as a result of Covid-19? Please leave a comment below and let me know how I can help you have a successful school year.

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