I want to preface this post by saying two things.
- I did not go out and purposefully buy any items I’m sharing with you today. They were all things I already owned and had on hand. (Yes, at one time I did purchase this stuff)
- With that said, when possible, I’ve linked any items I could find on my Amazon Shop page, and will receive a small percentage if you choose to order through my links.
As a homeschool mom, I’ve managed to collect a lot of supplies over the past few years. I made it a point this past fall when all the school supplies were on sale to truly only buy what we needed. Fortunately, my kids really enjoy crafting, creating, drawing, and painting. Unfortunately all those supplies were seriously everywhere in our house. I found myself sometimes getting annoyed when I had to help them hunt down glue or markers or extra paper for their drawings, so THIS morning I cleared off our second three-tier rolling cart (that I have not really had to use since we moved in January), and created an art cart for the kids.

What’s on the cart? Glad you asked…
- Crayola markers: Super Tips, Ultra Clean Washable Markers
- Prismacolor colored pencils
- Ticonderoga pencils (the world’s BEST pencil)
- Do-A-Dot Markers
- Blank Books for book making and journaling
- 36 Colors Watercolor Set
- Crayola Twistable Colored Pencils and Twistable Crayons
- Drawing notebooks (to avoid constant use of all the paper)
- computer paper
- journals found at the dollar store or target for fun
- coloring books
- Elmer’s gluetsticks
- safety scissors (these ones work for a righty or a lefty)
- Scotch tape (do your kids use A LOT of tape or is it just mine?)
- Sharpies (great for all those drawing tutorials)

Now the kids can grab anything they need from the cart without asking me for help. I spent all of thirty minutes clearing the cart this morning, grabbing all of our art supplies, and organizing it for the kids. They were so excited to have all of the supplies at their fingertips. Usually each morning I read our devotional, we discuss our daily gratitude, and read aloud from a chapter book. While I read, the kids enjoyed using all the freshly organized supplies.

Don’t have access to a three-tiered cart? NO PROBLEM! Do not feel like you have to go out and buy one. Organize a table, organize a shelf, hide it all away in a closet. The important thing is just give everything a spot, and show it to your kids. Explain where everything is and where you expect it all to be when they’re done using the supplies. Having art supplies readily available to the kids is the appeal to them.
How do you organize the art supplies in your house? Do your kids go through tape like it’s nobody’s business?! What supplies am I missing? Leave comment and let me know your thoughts!

Love this. A great idea to keep organized and and still have lots of items available to craft with.
Yes, we have tons of art supplies in our home. We currently have a bookcase that stores some of our supplies in our schoolroom and we also have an art supply closet.
I could literally use an entire room full of bookshelves and storage space!
i love this idea – and despite having lots of craft items for our kids, it’s nice to see a list of what other families have/use. I like the idea of having it as a cart – we currently have a couple of baskets, and it’s still a big mess.
Trust me, I have to tidy up the cart often! Glad to help 🙂
Love this! I also use a rolling cart for our art supplies.
We have two rolling carts with drawers that contain their crafting supplies. Hardest part – getting them to put everything away.
100%! The carts are a lifesaver though for sure.