Back in July, my husband, Shane, and his campaign manager turned great friend, Banks, started The Rebellion. It’s a podcast dedicated to spreading the message of liberty, free markets, peace, and truth bombs every week to it’s growing audience.
As they walked the campaign trail together throughout most of 2017 into 2018 while Shane was a congressional candidate, they often talked of the bigger picture of spreading the message of liberty to the world. Ultimately, their podcast was born out of those talks. It’s a must listen (in my opinion), and I look forward to hearing it each week.
My dreamer and go-getter of a husband has been hinting at wanting to start a podcast of our own as well, and I think we may have done that over the weekend. You see, our kids have been sick this past week with a nasty viral infection. Coincidentally, Banks also fell ill with similar symptoms. This meant it wasn’t ideal for Shane and Banks to get together to record a couple of episodes. I could tell Shane was getting antsy and wanted some studio time. I married a very good listener, but he sure is a talker too. So on Saturday he and I took our usual fire pit chat up to the studio to record!
We don’t have a name yet, but we do have our purpose. Our kids.
He jotted it down on a piece of paper without telling me, pressed the record button, and just started talking to me. Then with tears in his eyes he declared that he wanted this to be a way for our kids to hear our stories; the ones we tell after the day is over. And, I really kinda dig it. So, coming (sometime) soon, the unnamed podcast for our kids will begin making it’s way into your earbuds, and I’d really love for YOU to hear our stories too.
Yes it’s for our kids, but it’s also for you if you’re a mom or a dad or a son or a daughter. It’s for you if you are a homeschooling family or a public school family or a private school family. We’re all people, you and me. And we can certainly all relate on some level to the stories of the everyday happenings of each other’s lives. I’m excited for you all to start hearing ours.
For a little preview, I’d love to share Episode 31 of the Rebellion with you all. Shane and Banks start it off discussing the legalization of recreational cannabis nationwide in Canada followed by the first recording of mine and Shane’s unnamed podcast. Take a listen, share with a friend, and let me know what you think!
If you like what you hear, I encourage you to check out their catalog of episodes currently available. Subscribe to the podcast on your favorite platform and leave them a 5 star rating and written review (they LOVE those). Follow along with the Rebellion on all of their social media channels and of course, on your favorite podcast platform. Find all the links below!
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Stay tuned for the release of our podcast in the next month or so!

I love u