I know. It’s been a hot second since I last graced you with my prescence. I apologize for my lack of posting. It’s truly a case of trying to find exactly what I want to do with my blog and what direction I want to take with it…and not figuring it out quite perfectly yet. I think I’m getting there, so that’s a good thing. I will say, while I love crafts and DIY, mama just doesn’t have much time for such things these days. I’m sure the occasional craft will pop up on WTYFGH, but this blog is about to take a swift turn to the land of homeschooling (and I’m super excited about that).
So what have I been up to?
My life at the moment is dedicated to my kids and our family. We’ve started our FOURTH year of homeschooling, and (to me anyway) it’s looking like we’re in it for the long haul with this homeschooling thing. I love it. My husband loves it. My kids (believe it or not) LOVE it. The second we attend any kind of class or camp or vacation bible school and their little hearts realize they won’t be in the same classes since they’re different ages and grades, they crumble. You should have seen the tears as we discussed VBS this past summer. My boys just did not understand why on earth they wouldn’t be able to be together in the same class. My oldest was convinced he’d just talk to the teachers and he’d get his little brother “in” with him in 2nd grade as opposed to kindergarten. I love that they enjoy being together and learning together. It’s truthfully one of the top three things I love most about homeschooling. My kids get to learn together. They are seven, five, and four. They certainly wouldn’t be in the same grade in public or private school. My littlest wouldn’t even be in attendance yet, and here she is pretty much doing all the assignments that her five year old brother does in kindergarten!
Podcast Famous (kind of)
Recently, my husband and his former campaign manager, Banks, started a podcast called The Rebellion with Banks and Shane. Maybe I should preface that by saying that my husband, Shane, just came off of a year-long campaign for US Congress in the Georgia 7th District. He challenged our current incumbent congressman, and unfortunately did not win. He (and I) sure learned a lot of from his congressional run, a lot of which you will hear about on his podcast. With the platform he and Banks built, they decided a fantastic way to reach their audience and grow their following would be this podcast.
Take a listen…
On one of their latest episodes, I became their first in-studio guest and talked all things public education and homeschool. I hope you’ll take a listen:
If you like what you hear, I encourage you to check out their catalog of episodes currently available. Subscribe to the podcast on your favorite platform and leave them a 5 star rating and written review (they LOVE those). Follow along with the Rebellion on all of their social media channels and of course, on your favorite podcast platform. Find all the links below!
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Loved the podcast with you on it discussing Homeschooling! Great job to all!
Thank you, Grace!