This post is sponsored by Minted, a company I adore and trust. As always, all opinions are 100% my own. Some affiliate links are included for your convenience. With affiliate links I receive a small percentage when you make a purchase.
It’s no secret that I’m a Minted mama. I’ve used them for every baby announcement and Christmas card I’ve sent in most of my adult life. Their customer service is outstanding, their products are gorgeous, and their designs are truly one of a kind. What else could I ask for?! We’ve gone the traditional and non-traditional route with our photos for Christmas cards. To be honest, I have an appreciation for both. I love a fun card as much as I love a beautifully photographed photo-session style card. Basically, I’m just a big fan of sending and receiving cards during the holidays. I love to see the changes in families over the years, and look forward to compiling cards from each year into a keepsake book that we enjoy looking through together as a family on a regular basis.
This year I think I went as traditional as ever when I used our yearly photo with Santa as our holiday card. It’s our first year with all three kiddos and no criers. Don’t get me wrong. Crying Santa photos are both adorable and hysterical at the same time. Let’s take a look at a few…
I realized when looking back at these crying Santa photos that my oldest and youngest literally looked identical as crying babies. I also laugh every single time I look at that bottom right photo because my husband is holding my middle guy in place so I can snap a quick photo before he bolts out of the shot.
I’m glad we’ve had a few years of these crying photos to be honest, but when I get a beautiful photo of three bright-eyed smiling kids, excited to be sitting with Santa…that’s a good one too! That’s why I just had to use it for this year’s Christmas card. I absolutely adore it.
To prepare for our time with Santa, we did lots of talking about him before the big day. My boys (by last year) were pumped to see Santa and get their photo taken, my little girl…not so much. This year though, she declared that she “would be nice to Santa because he will bring me a pink dollhouse.” She followed through with her end of the deal, so hopefully the big man delivers that pink dollhouse!! We even had a special photo session with the man himself this year with my favorite local photographer, so I was very glad that the littlest cooperated this year!
As I do each year, I started browsing Minted’s website in November for the newest Christmas card designs. I always save the ones I like the most as favorites in my account and then figure out which layout I like the best with the photo I ultimately decide to go with. This year, I used the “It’s Wonderful” Christmas photo card designed by Sarah Guse Brown of Michigan. To make life even easier this year, I made postcards. No envelopes to stuff, no address labels to attach, not even recipient addresses to hand-write because, as always, I used Minted’s FREE recipient address printing! It’s my favorite part of using Minted each year for sure. All of my addresses from previous years are stored securely in my profile. I can add to it and also change addresses for family or friends that have moved this past year. It’s a total game changer…and best part?! It’s a FREE {and gorgeous} service! All I had to do was attach a stamp and pop them in the mailbox, and my six year old did both of those tasks for me! I call that Christmas Card victory my friends.
The possibilities to creating the perfect card for you are truly endless with Minted products. There is something for EVERYONE at Minted. There current promotion is listed below. I’ll do my best to update it throughout the month of December for you all! Check with Minted on their social media platforms for all the latest news and offers as well.
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