Some items were provided by my friends at Oriental Trading, a company I trust and adore. As always, all opinions are 100% my own.
Since our youngest was born, my little family of five and I have worn family themed Halloween costumes each year. So that means, we’re on year FOUR of costumes! It’s seriously my favorite thing to do with our kids, and the fact that they look forward to it each year as well just makes me giddy.
This year is no exception of course, and with the help of Oriental Trading, we were able to round out our family costumes nicely as we found my husbands costume with just a few easy clicks on their website!
In year’s past we’ve done a combo of store-bought and handmade costumes. We’ve borrowed pieces from neighbors, found items around the house, and even crafted a few items {for example, Louis Tully’s awesome colander helmet from the original Ghostbusters}. But let’s do a quick walk down memory lane before I share this year’s costume…
2014 Star Wars
You can’t go wrong with Star Wars, am I right?! Plus, a baby girl R2D2 in a tutu?! I mean….how adorable can it get?!
That sweet little running Yoda was sporting fresh stitches from a bunk bed injury a few days prior. YIKES! Luckily it didn’t affect his Halloween fun that year.
2015 Batman
The year of Batman AND some epic toddler Joker makeup. My middle guy still, to this day, talks about getting his face painted by daddy to look like Joker. He thought it was the coolest thing ever. And that Bane face mask on my husband?! We had neighbors talking about that a year later, ha!
And another year of baby girl tutu costumes, because they’re just so darn cute! The photo above may or may not have been our Christmas card that year.
And I remember my little Batman telling me he had to be tough in his picture when I asked him to smile…
2016 Ghostbusters
I think this one may have been my favorite. The Stay Puft Marshmallow Tutu costume was seriously so adorable. This was the last year of the tutu costumes, as my littlest has a different kind of costume altogether this year, but you never know…she may have another tutu in her future. The kids loved this costume because they LOVED the new Ghostbusters that came out in 2016. My husband and I went old school Ghostbusters with a little Louis Tully and Dana Barrett action.
I should mention, we ALWAYS walk around trick or treating with theme music from the movies playing as well. It’s the BEST and we get tons of compliments on that too!
See that helmet?! It’s a colander. My husband made that. It looks exactly like it did in the movie!
I also used my Cricut and cut the Ghostbusters logo in vinyl to attach to the kids’ trick or treat buckets!
Now usually we wait to share the news of our theme for the night of Halloween, but my kids are older and SUPER talkative, and have been discussing Halloween since pretty much last Halloween, so they tell everyone they see what our plans are for this year. The family costume of 2017 is…
The Avengers
Lucky for us, Oriental Trading had everything we needed to complete our family ensemble with my husband’s costume choice for the year…Thor! They had a few styles of Thor costumes to choose from and of course we had to get Thor’s hammer as well!
And my little people are Spider-Man {yes, he is an Avenger}, Hulk, and Black Widow.
Yes, I know little girl is not wearing her Black Widow costume. It hadn’t arrived yet, and she didn’t want to be left out of dress up central by the fireplace, so Princess Poppy hair to the rescue it was! I’m so excited about this year’s theme, and can’t wait to share our official Halloween 2017 photo with all of you!
For all of your Halloween costume and trick or treating needs, head to Oriental Trading NOW!!

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