I was provided product from Learn365 by Oriental Trading in exchange for this post. As always, all opinions are 100% my own.
Rainy day number 562 here today. Just kidding. But also, not really because that’s sort of how it feels! I’m ready for some sunshine again, and to get these kiddos outta the house! BUT, until then, we’ve enjoyed lots of indoor activities and movie viewing sessions. We also spent a morning with a couple of simple craft supplies and made some fun googly eye drawings together. The kids had a ball thinking of what they could draw and create.
To make your own, you’ll need only a few supplies. If you don’t have these on hand already, hop over to Learn365 by Oriental Trading, and they’ll have you covered!
crayons | markers | colored pencils | adhesive googly eyes | white construction paper
The best part of this entire craft session {in this mama’s opinion} were the ADHESIVE googly eyes. NO GLUE NEEDED PEOPLE. Amen! These googly eyes will definitely be used for many future craft projects, and every single time I will happily sing a little song to myself that I don’t have to wait for glue to dry.
On to the drawing…all I did was put a few googly eyes on some plain white construction paper, gave the kids a bucket of crayons and colored pencils, and told them to create. They loved it! My oldest decided he was going to make Batman and Joker with his paper, which then turned into my middle little deciding he was going to make Batman and Joker as well. He’s in a major “copy-everything-my-big-brother-does-phase”. My littlest ended up with a few little jelly fish-looking creations. Cute, huh?
Overall, this was a great way to keep them occupied for a bit and encourage some creativity. They loved thinking about what they could make with their eyes, and have asked to do this activity again since we did it last week! That’s a win in my book!
If you don’t happen to have googly eyes, and you’re itching for an easy and creative drawing activity for your kids, just make a few doodles on blank paper and have them add to the doodle. It’s another fun drawing starter to get their imaginations working and creating!

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