This post is part of a social shopper marketing insight campaign with Pollinate Media Group® and Jimmy Dean, but all my opinions are my own. #pmedia #JDGreatStart
It’s August, in Georgia, and that means two things.
1. It’s H-O-T-T hot outside {and inside and pretty much everywhere you go}.
2. SCHOOL, yes SCHOOL has started. Public school, private school, church preschool….it’s pretty much all started.
Everyone is getting back to the hustle and bustle of “normal” work days and school days and still having to deal with crazy hot, southern heat. BUT, that doesn’t mean you have to give up on those delicious “weekend” or summertime breakfasts. No, no…you can still have a tasty, warm, non-cereal and milk kinda meal with Jimmy Dean frozen food items found at my favorite place to grocery shop, Publix.
And the best part?! You do not have to sacrifice hitting snooze a few times. This warm breakfast takes minutes to prepare. You can actually prepare them while your kids get their shoes on and hair combed. Pop a sausage biscuit in their hands and they’re ready to hit the day running!
Now, we aren’t having to deal with a school schedule, per se, but that doesn’t mean that our time isn’t valuable! This September {yes, I’m waiting until after Labor Day to begin}, my four year old with start Homeschool Pre-K. We will have a daily schedule and STICK TO IT! Our mornings will consist of a time at the gym for mommy, coming home for breakfast, and then starting our homeschooling day. Breakfast does not have to be huge, but we all love it when it’s tasty. Luckily Jimmy Dean saves the day!
I picked up a few varieties on my last Publix trip and decided to try out the Sausage Biscuits and the Sausage Breakfast Bowl {with Eggs, Potatoes, Sausage & Cheddar Cheese}. BOTH were delicious and SO fast to make. The breakfast bowl was awesome. I made that for myself one morning and actually shared some with my one year old. It was the perfect size and consistency for her little teeth. For my boys, I decided to add a little to their Sausage Biscuits and cooked a couple of eggs and added a slice of white cheddar. They were a huge hit!
We rounded out our weekday meal {with big weekend taste} with some fresh cut strawberries and a cup of orange juice. Then with full and satisfied bellies, we were ready for a morning at the pool and some time relaxing before afternoon naps. Hey, I said I wasn’t starting homeschool until September, remember?
I know we will keep up with this routine once school does begin for us, and I LOVE having the option to include a yummy breakfast meal every once in a while for my littles and I to enjoy.
For all things Jimmy Dean, check them out here:
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