One of the huge differences between having a baby girl and a baby boy {for me anyway} is all the accessories. Our little miss has hers ears pierced, so there are earrings to put on, sweet dresses with bloomers to wear, and usually a sweet, simple headband. I’ve actually inherited quite a bit of bows, but she’s not quite ready to wear a bow without a little headband. Although in the hair growth department, she’s starting to do really well. For now, her bow wearing consists of a bow on a headband. Since I had quite a few without a matching headband, I sat down one afternoon during nap time and whipped up some simple baby headbands.
Luckily I had a multitude of colors of foldover elastic and a few yards of pretty black lace elastic as well. I began by measuring her head and decided that a 15 inch piece of elastic was perfect for right now and leaves room for a bit of growth.
To make each headband, you’ll need:
15 inches of foldover elastic, plus 2 inches to cover the seam
hot glue/glue gun
small bow on an alligator clip
ruler or tape measure
These are all of my bows that didn’t have a headband to call home. Most were pre-made and already on an alligator clip {so all I have to do is slide it into the headband at the spot where I cover up the seam}. I had a few that were just a flower by itself, and I decided to just hot glue those directly to the headbands, since I can always make more if needed!
To make each headband I simply hot glued one end of the elastic over the other, with a small overlap {1}. Then, taking the two inch piece, I made a loop around the seam I just created and hot glued the smaller piece one end over another on the back side of the entire headband {2-4}. This covers the seam nicely and also creates a pocket on the outside of the headband to slip your bows and clips into place without actually having to glue the bow to the headband itself {5-6}.
I made all of these headbands during nap time one day, and now little miss is able to wear them!
They turned out super cute and fit her perfectly. I think she’ll be able to use them for several months to come until she’s ready for the actual clip to go in her hair!

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