You guys. It’s been raining FOREVER in Georgia. Honestly, I don’t mind rain. A little here and there is awesome. I think it’s definitely helped wash away a lot of our lovely pollen that comes out this time of year, and for that I’m grateful. But, I’m ready for some dry days so I can take the kids outside without having to avoid massive puddles. We want to ride our bikes and run and go to the playground. Until those dry days arrive, I saved my sanity a few days ago by putting together a portable sand bin.
Maybe some of you have a sand box or even a sand table or water table. We don’t. Our yard isn’t all that big {a feature of the house that we actually kind of wanted for yard work purposes}, but there are times I do wish we had a nice big back yard for the kids to play in while confined by a nice tall fence. Since we’re tight on space, I put my mommy thinking cap on and put together a small yet pretty good sized sand bin for my boys. I grabbed a flat, long storage container with a lid from Target, some cheap plastic sand toys, and one bag of “play sand” from Lowe’s that cost me just under $4.00.
Luckily we built a tin roof covered pergola last year, so this sand bin has come in handy as a fun activity to do underneath the pergola while it rains and pours all around us.
The boys both loved it and ask daily if we can go out back and play in the sand. My oldest thinks it’s the best thing ever and right now, so do I because it gets my stir crazy kids out of the house and into the fresh, rainy air discovering and playing together. I’ll take that any day!
Here are some other rainy day ideas for your stir crazy littles…
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