In case you missed my original post on Smart, School House! Here is the tutorial once again for a super simple way to not only keep your toddler or preschooler occupied for more than 5 minutes but also practice their fine motor skills at the same time…
Do you have a headstrong, stubborn, “I can do it myself” little person living with you? Do you dread dressing them in shirts or pants that have a button because you know they want to do it themselves, yet those pesky buttons never seem to work for their little fingers? Well, have I got the craft for you today to help with those fine motor skills…
Now, I realize these buttons are much larger than the buttons on your child’s clothing, however, I’m a firm believer that any practice they can get with everyday skills will make them that much better at those skills. So, I made my little guy a button snake to get those fingers figuring out the wonder that is the button.
To make one for your little guy or gal, you’ll need:
multiple colors of felt
two medium sized buttons
floss or thread
Everything for this project I already had in my craft closet {and those are always my favorite projects because it means I’m using up that stash}!
I simply cut two squares of each color of felt that I had. I didn’t measure, but I’m pretty sure they were about 3 inches each. I then folded each square in half and cut a small slit for the button snake to go through.
To make the actual snake part out of the ribbon and buttons, I cut the ribbon to about 12 inches and sewed a button onto each end using my embroidery floss and needle. Once the snake was made, my little man was eager to start practicing those fine motor skills.
With every new craft or activity that I throw his way, I’m amazed at how quickly he picks up exactly what he’s supposed to be doing and many times with little to no guidance. I guess it’s time for me to realize he’s not so little anymore!
This is definitely one of those quiet time activities that I can easily take with us on the go to keep his little hand occupied for a few minutes while mommy needs him to stay still! I keep ours in a zip up pencil pouch in the diaper bag.
What are some ways you help your little ones practice their fine motor skills?

Our little guy is 20 months old. He helps me do a lot around the house. One thing he has always helped with is feeding our two dogs. He has to scoop the food with the measuring cup and then pour it into their bowls. At first, he made a mess. But, as he’s gotten better with his hands he gets it all in the bowl.
Yes!! That’s a great one 🙂
We have my three year old help us feed the dogs too!