This post is part of a social shopper marketing insight campaign with Pollinate Media Group® and Huggies, but all my opinions are my own. #HuggiesSlipOn #pmedia
I’m about to say something that might make some first time mamas cringe. I know you’re tired and you think taking care of a new baby is really hard work. It is…I 100% agree with you.
Now imagine taking care of that sweet newborn baby with a fun addition to the mix…
a wild, crazy, full of energy {and juice and suckers and popsicles because sometimes it’s just easier to give in so he doesn’t scream and cry and wake up the baby} two year old boy.
Two babies is an entirely new level of tired. Makes me have a whole lot more respect for the 19 Kids and Counting family and parents of multiples. Holy Smokes…kids are tough work!
Luckily they are my whole world and I’d do anything for them. Including changing all those wet & dirty diapers {someone has to do it, right?}
I will admit, changing my newborn’s diapers is a piece of cake compared to wrestling this guy’s diapers on and off.
Seriously, getting him to lay down, somewhat still for any amount of time is nearly impossible. You should have seen me and the three nurses it took to hold him still for his last round of shots at his two year check up…not fun!
That’s why I was so excited to give Huggies Slip On diapers a try. I found them at Target while I was attempting to get out of the house for the first time by myself with two kiddos…that’s also tough.
I LOVE when Target has their diaper sales {which seems to be quite often}. I quickly picked up two boxes for my little guy, so we could give them a try.
And, let me tell you, these things are AWESOME! If you’ve ever dealt with changing a toddler’s diaper, you know what a task it can be. Add to that the fact that usually when he needs changed I’m in the middle of nursing this little guy…
…and that can make for a pretty hectic couple of minutes. I absolutely LOVE how easy diaper changes have become. Huggies Slip On diapers, do just that…they SLIP ON!
They’re comfy, have leak protection that I trust, and have one of my little guy’s favorite characters, Tigger! And, for those times that his diaper changes require a little more detailed attention, the sides of the slip on diapers simply pull apart.
The material on the sides is super soft and stretchy too. I imagine that has to feel much better on his delicate skin than the tabs on a traditional diaper.
Come on, I can’t write a post about diapers without a photo of a little baby butt, can I?!
Seriously. You need to try them ASAP!
So I’ve got two things that will make the purchase a little easier, one for everyone and one for just one lucky reader.
For ALL of you, I’ve got this coupon that you can use to get $2.00 of Huggies Slip On diapers at Target. Woo hoo!
AND, for one lucky reader, I’ve got a $25 gift card to Target, so you can pick a box or two of your own to try out!
Follow the Rafflecopter form below to enter to win!
Happy diaper changing to you all!
{I’m serious} 🙂
This post is part of a social shopper marketing insight campaign with Pollinate Media Group® and Huggies, but all my opinions are my own. #HuggiesSlipOn #pmedia

Busted Out In Some Silly Dance Moves!
one day my son took off his diaper and tried to put it on our cat
Thanks for he giveaway! and what a little cutie!
What a great idea for diapers!! Getting diapers on and off those active little boys are HARD!!
Oops! Forgot to actually answer your question! The silliest thing my son did recently is to make himself a bread sandwich, with three pieces of bread…and nothing else. Silly little boy!
Love these Mer! They were great for when Stella was in little diapers.
Funniest thing she has said lately? Hmm… she was coming home from the neighbours and she couldn’t find Cecelia, so she yelled out “Hey, did I leave my sister at your house?”
Raya’s new thing is to pretend she is a puppy. But I figured out that if you give her a “dog treat” she will actually eat it! We have managed healthy breakfasts every day for a week with our new dog in the house, LOL!
First your boys are ADORABLE! I totally know what you mean about trying to nurse and change a diaper and everything else all at the same time. Slip on diapers are such a great idea!
my niece gets in the driver’s seat of the car and says “i drive, i drive.”
rafflecopter: daniel
Nothing yet!!! He is due in 3 weeks!!!!
My niece Reagan is potty training and had an “accident.” So, she went up to my MIL to ask to be changed and my MIL said to her, “Reagan, it would have been nicer if you had come up to me 10 minutes ago to ask to go to the bathroom. Then, we wouldn’t have this mess.” To which Reagan gave her the look of death and said in a very matter-of-fact tone, “Well, Mimi…it was MY CHOICE.” My MIL said it was all she could do not to crack up. I guess my bro and sis in law have been working with Reagan on making good choices, so that terminology is fresh in her brain. #kidssaythedarndestthings
My little guy doesn’t talk much but he has just started playing monster. He’ll lay on the ground and reach his arm up so I can “save” him from the monster that is about to get him. It makes me laugh every time.
I am currently expecting so I don’t have any silly things to share. But I cannot wait until I can! Thank you for the giveaway!
My little guys are grands which I’ve been keeping in July. 3 yr asked me if I dinosaurs are real or pretend. Told him they were real a long long long long time ago. “Did you ever see a dinosaur?”
It seems like he says something hilarious every day.
I don’t have little ones, buy my nephew goes berserk when we play Hide & Seek.
My little guy pretends to play drums and yells rock n roll
She told me that her papa wrestles in the house (instead of saying he WATCHES wrestling in the house)
Oh Carter loves to bowl…and he has been pretending to be the bowling machine too! Yep…daddy is a bowler so he spend alot of time at he bowling alley and just LOVES to bowl! At home with his playset…after he bowls …he runs down and pretends to be the bowling pin maching and lifts the remaing pins still standing…pushes the knocked down pins back and then resets them. Then will run back and bowl again! So funny!
A sweet thing a special little one did for me one day was when she was in her highchair and I was being my silly self and she looked at me and said “Nina.” I asked, “What?” “I love you.” was her reply. She had never voiced that to anyone before–made my day.
I don’t have children, but my niece loves to pretend she is a cat! She will follow and imitate my sister’s two cats, meow and rub her head against our legs! So adorable!
Mommy what are those for (in regards to boobies) 🙂
She now squeaks when she laughs!
Meredith, what handsome guys you have! You must be a proud mama
The funnies thing my little guy has done lately is show off his dance moves. He’s not bad!
Thanks for the review off Huggies diapers! Just found your blog too