I was compensated by FamilyShare.com to write this review, as always, all opinions are 100% my own!
While at SNAP! conference a few weeks ago, I had the pleasure of meeting with a few representatives of FamilyShare.com, a new-to-me website that strives to provide individuals with tools needed to strengthen families and family values. Their entire premise was such a refreshing concept to me, that I knew I wanted to check them out as soon as I had some time to sit down and take a peek around their site.
Well, as luck would have it, we’ve had quite a few rainy weekends since my return from SNAP! {yes, I’m being a bit sarcastic when I say luck}, so I had the time to sit down and do some good old-fashioned internet reading.
One topic that is on my mind on a daily basis is wondering if my 22 month old is eating enough. He can be so stinkin’ picky some days and others it’s like he’ll eat anything I put in front of him.
I found this article, “Is My Toddler Eating Enough?” to really make me feel a whole lot better about his eating habits. One thing that it really made me stop to think about was the portions that I put in front of him. Yes, he’s a growing boy, but he definitely shouldn’t be eating the same portions of food that my husband and I eat at meals. Stopping to take a look at how much you’re putting in front of your little ones should be a daily practice! Don’t give them too much!!
A second article that caught my eye was written by fellow blogger, Heidi Ferguson and titled “Yeah, I made that! 3 Ways Crafting Builds Self-Esteem”. This was a fun read for me, since I’d definitely call myself a crafter now. I’ve always had a crafting side to me, but I feel that since starting my blog, I’ve put more time and effort into the projects I create. I don’t ever let myself sit down to make something “just because”. I like for the projects I create to have a purpose and function, something I’d actually use in my own home or give as a gift. And, yes, it does make me feel pretty good about myself after completing a project and loving the end results. That doesn’t mean that things always turn out how I’d like them to, but most of the time, my crafting is a definite self-esteem booster.
One of my recent, most favorite crafting projects, my Mason Jar Sewing Kits.
In addition to all the fabulous articles that Family Share offers it’s readers they also have some other super cool features on their site including:
and their newest edition, Show Love, where you can show love to that special someone in your life {imagine the ultimate E-Card just in time for Mother’s Day}
I highly recommend that you make FamilyShare.com part of your daily internet reading, even if it’s just to check out an article a day! It’s well worth your time and really makes you stop to think about things.
{Featured image above the post was taken at my son’s baptism this past December and shows our family of three-soon to be four, plus Buddy the bear!}
I was compensated by FamilyShare.com to write this review, as always, all opinions are 100% my own!

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