Step 1: Cut a 6″ piece of stringing wire. Place one end through a crimp bead and a jump ring. Thread the wire back down through the same crimp bead. Tighten by using your crimp tool, or {if you don’t have one} squeezing the bead flat with your pliers.
Step 2: String your beads onto the wire. I think an odd number looks best. I chose to use 7 beads, which makes the beaded part almost as wide as the top of my wrist but not quite.
Step 3: Place a crimp bead and jump ring on the wire at the other end of your beads. Thread the wire back down through the crimp bead as well as the closest two beads. Tighten the crimp bead, then cut the wire and hide it by tucking it down into the beads.
Step 4: Attach small pieces of chain to the jump rings on either end. This is a great use for scrap chain you have from other projects! You may want to measure your wrist first so you know how long you want each side to be.
Step 5: Add a jump ring and clasp to one chain, and a large jump ring to the other. Hook clasp in ring to close.
That’s all there is to it!

I looooooove it!!!! It’s so easy!!!
I would really love if you could join my Bewitch Me & Titi Link Party with this =D It is Live now, It would be awesome!
Hope you are having a lovely day!
Cami @ TitiCrafty by Camila
This is a simple but effective project, tx for sharing it!
Welcome home Meredith! Great bracelet and tutorial Amy! 🙂
Thanks Kadie! And I totally agree…love this bracelet that Amy made! 🙂