Since I’ve got about two months left until baby number two makes his or her debut, I’ve been in major nesting/cleaning mode lately. That’s probably a good thing considering once that second sweet baby comes into our lives, I’m guessing I won’t have much time for reorganizing the house let alone simply tidying up the place each day.
You might remember a while back when I organized my kitchen desk area, here. Well, for the most part, the top of the desk has stayed clear of clutter, which I think is a huge accomplishment, however the drawers were a wreck due to a certain almost 21 month old little guy.
It was utter chaos.
And don’t even get me started on this…
I will admit that I definitely have an obsession with buying pens & pencils {and well pretty much any fun school or office supply I come across}. It’s the teacher in me. I have gotten MUCH better though over the years, promise!
So, not only were the drawers a disaster, but the storage above the desk was looking pretty pitiful as well because it had turned into the area that I would stuff things into to get them out of Jackson’s reach.
YIKES! Look at that bottom shelf. What the heck?!
So, last week, I decided enough was enough. I spent an entire 2 1/2 hour nap time throwing stuff out, finding a new home for a lot of things, and organizing and labeling.
I got out my trusty label maker from my teaching days {one of the best gifts I ever got as a teacher}, and began to label EVERYTHING I could so that it was clear when looking into the cabinets where things were.
Oh, so much nicer, don’t you think? I love that I found a storage use for my Mod Podge Dyed Mason Jars too!
I still have some plans for all those old magazines {mostly Southern Living & Cooking Light} to put only the recipes I’ve used into a recipe binder. Hopefully that will get made before baby number two arrives as well!
Surprisingly, all of the drawers in the kitchen desk are now empty. I didn’t want to put those childproof things on them, and I also didn’t want to continue picking up pens and post it notes all day long anymore. So now, if Jackson has some toy cars that he wants to keep in the drawer, I don’t mind. He actually doesn’t go into them at all anymore. I think once he realized that mommy’s stuff was outta there, they immediately became uninteresting. Go figure!

You did such a great job organizing. It almost gives me motivation to go organize my cabinets and drawers. Almost. Those Mason jars are too cute!
Awesome job. I need to do this for my desk at work. It’s utter chaos there. I am now inspired to clean it up!
Awesome job! Doesn’t it feel so nice to de-clutter? Gotta get me a label maker!!
I LOVED your before photos because they actually made me feel better about my secret spots around the house 😉 I gave my hubby one of those label makers for Christmas and we just broke it out the other day. I’m afraid it’s going to be addicting! Things are looking good, Mama. Happy Nesting. 🙂
Thanks for the inspiration! I have a closet just like this that needs organizing and you’ve inspired me to get it done.
Thanks 🙂
Woo hoo! Glad to have helped a little 😉
Beautifully organized! Well done!
Thanks Marilyn!! 🙂
Looks amazing Meredith. Hilarious that Jackson is no longer interested in that drawer, lol.