I’m sharing a totally addictive recipe today with my friend Kadie at Seven Alive All Livin’ in a Double Wide as part of her Summer Splash Week. You absolutely MUST head over there, tell Kadie I sent ya, read the recipe, drop what you’re doing, go to the grocery store to get ingredients, and make these for dinner! You can thank me later 🙂
Since you’ll be making these for dinner tonight, I’ll share a delicious snack option for sometime today as well 🙂
I don’t know about you, but sometimes I need a super quick and super easy meal or snack. It’s not always practical to sit down and enjoy breakfast or lunch when I’ve got an active toddler (yikes…I have a toddler now) on my hands. For those moments when I’m in a pinch to eat something quickly, I’ve made myself some pre-made smoothie packets, and today I’m going to share with you how to prepare them!
To make about a dozen smoothie packets, you’ll need:
2- 32 oz containers of vanilla yogurt
plain oatmeal
frozen fruits of your choice (I used two bags)
2- muffin pans
ziploc freezer bags
bananas, milk, blender*
*to be used when actually making the smoothie!
The first thing you’ll want to do is scoop some vanilla yogurt into each muffin pan, filling each spot about 2/3 of the way full. Pop the muffin pans in the freezer for at least two hours to set. Once the yogurt is frozen, you’ll have perfect discs that you can place into separate freezer storage bags. I used a spoon to loosen the edges of the discs and they popped right out!
Now the fun part…assembly! Inside each freezer bag, put:
2 frozen yogurt discs
1 cup of frozen fruit
1/4 cup of oatmeal
You should have enough for about a dozen smoothie packets. Keep in mind, that each packet makes one large or two small smoothies. If you prefer to only have a single serving, I’d suggest reducing each packet to 1 frozen yogurt disc, 1/2 cup of frozen fruit, and 1/8 cup of oatmeal. Now place each packet in your freezer until ready to use!
When you’re in a pinch for time and need a quick snack or breakfast, dump the contents of one bag into a blender with about a cup of milk and half of a freshly cut banana (if you have one), and blend. You could also add protein or other supplements that you like to use as well!
Soon you’ll have a delicious, simple, and healthy smoothie to snack on!
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I’ll be linking up at these FABULOUS parties…

Thanks so much for sharing at the Double Wide today!!:)