Ahh!! The birthday party is quickly approaching, and I’m most likely in my kitchen baking cupcakes as you read this. I have a quick couple of party related items to share with you today. Both ideas were found while browsing Pinterest.
I knew that I wanted to make cupcakes for my little guy’s birthday, and shared the delicious semi-homemade recipe that I’ll be using here. To decorate the cupcakes a little bit, I printed out these super cute, patriotic cupcake toppers from The Celebration Shoppe onto card stock, plugged in my hot glue gun, grabbed my 2″ circle punch, and found some toothpicks in our spice cabinet. All I had to do was use the circle punch to cut out each topper, and glue a toothpick between two circles.
Soon I had a handful of these beauts, ready for cupcakes!
Now for the food.
Most of the food we’re serving at the party is pretty self explanatory, but I always think it’s a nice touch to add a food tent describing what you’re about to eat (plus, they look super cute). So I found these patriotic food tents from Seaside Creative and printed out several copies onto card stock.
Two simple and inexpensive touches that bring the party together even more!
Don’t forget,
today is the LAST day to vote for your top three favorite projects in the Project Pinterest Challenge. I’d love for you to support my Fingerprint Charm Necklace!

I’m so excited and honored to have been chosen as part of the Top 12!
I also wanted to give a shout out to my sweet blogging bud, Adrianne of Happy Hour Projects! She also made the Top 12 with her Jello Oranges (seriously, how yummy/cute are these)?! Be sure to check her blog out as well, it’s fabulous! 🙂
Please head over to either Two Yellow Birds Decor or The Taylor House to vote for your top 3 favorite entries (and hopefully one of them is mine and/or Adrianne’s)! Just click on the vote button below the pictures of your three favs! I truly appreciate all of your support!
Thank you so much 🙂

So festive!
I love using food tents (though I never knew that was what they were called) to jazz up a table for parties. Granted, I’ve only done it once for a New Year’s Eve party, but they’re so easy to set up & help guests know what they’re digging into. Following you from this week’s CHQ.
Thanks for joining our blog hop and for taking a look around my blog! :o)