Okay, voting has closed and the results are in…
Unfortunately I did not make it to the next round, but I’m so excited for my blogging bud Adrianne of Happy Hour Projects. Her totally cool tree mosaic won first place! It was a ton of fun competing in the contest, and I feel very fortunate to have gotten the chance to participate! Thanks to everyone that voted….and please continue to go vote!
When I found out that this week’s mystery material was Mod Podge, I’m not going to lie, I was a little nervous. I’ve never really had much luck using it (weird, right?). I guess you could call me Mod Podge Challenged 🙁
So I did some research and found out that by using Mod Podge and food coloring you can actually dye glass! The process was super easy.
To make {mod podge dyed mason jars} you’ll need:
wax paper
aluminum foil
baking sheet
glass mason jars (3 for $2.68 @ Hobby Lobby)
food coloring (I used gels)
Mod Podge (I used the Gloss finish)
Except for the mason jar purchase, I had all materials on hand already! So this was a $2.68 project! Woo hoo!
For each jar I used about two tablespoons of Mod Podge and a few drops of food coloring. Swirl each mason until the inside is completely coated with the Mod Podge/food coloring mixture. You might want to add a few drops of water to help the mixture move a little easier, but don’t add more than a teaspoon!
Once the jar was coated, I flipped it upside down on top of wax paper on my countertop and let it ooze out for about 10 minutes. I then placed it upside down on a cookie sheet lined with aluminum foil (you don’t want to ruin your cookie sheet). I baked each jar for 20 minutes at 250 degrees, then used an oven mitt to move the jar to another location on the cookie sheet and baked for another 20 minutes (there will be some sticky Mod Podge gunk underneath the jar). Moving it once, should take care of getting rid of all that extra stuff that has worked its way down the jar.

That’s an ingenious idea! I have been majorly crushing on all these turquoise mason jars floating around blogland lately… This makes me think I might be able to create my own! Found you through Hooking Up with HOH 🙂
Thanks! So glad you like them! Let me know how they come out! 🙂
I recently found out that this could be done and seeing your tutorial and the results does make me want to try it out. I especially like that you showed the before color and that you used gels for the dye. Thanks for sharing this!
Thanks! I was nervous to try it, but so happy I did and that they turned out 🙂
Making mason jars even cutier – love it!
Wow!! I love those jars! It is amazing what a little color can do to them! Thanks so much for entering this as well into the Project Pinterest Challenge! Good luck to you!
Thanks Jill!
Meredith, This has got to be the cutest idea I’ve seen! I love that the jars become clear when finished. I can’t wait to try this out. Thanks so much for linking up to Creative Thursday this week. I can’t wait to see what you link up next week. Have a great weekend.
Awe, thanks! You’re too sweet!
These look great!! I’m your newest Linky follower. I also nominated you for the Sunshine Award. Stop by Apples and Peanut Butter to find out more. Also, I’d love for you to follow back if you like. Have a great week and enjoy your vacation!
Thank you, you’re so sweet! I’m so excited to get the Sunshine Award 🙂 I just followed you on Linky followers too!!
This is a great idea! We are so glad you joined our “Strut Your Stuff Saturday”. We love to see all of the great recipes and ideas!! Thanks and we hope to see you again next week! -The Sisters
Once the jars are completely dry can you use water in them? What a super cute idea! I am going to dye them red and orange for my daughters henna tattoo birthday party.
Unfortunately, I don’t think so. I wonder if you put some kind of a seal on them if that might allow you to use with water?
If you use a seal on them you can put water in them but I always do more then one coat of sealer I use patricia nimocks sealer in matte you can also find it in gloss its water proof and it works great!! also before I found a sealer I used clear nailpolish worked out great had them out in the rain and all and still as beautiful as the day I made them 🙂
Oh, thanks for the tip! I’m going to seal them now 🙂
Did you use a decorating gel?
I did!
I bought a mason jar for an idea I saw on Facebook and decided I didn’t want a plain jar and to decorate it. I looked up ideas on Pinterest and found these jars and loved this idea and it seems pretty easy, but I pinned it from someone else and then ran across yours which tells you how much to use of everything and how long to cook them and what temperature to put the oven on and the other person did not say any of that just what you needed to make them. I am not a real crafty person so having all the directions helps. Thank you. I will be making these tomorrow on are cold cold cold winter day. 🙂
So glad that the post was helpful! Enjoy and stay warm!!
I did this before when making a “redneck wine glass” (I attached a mason jar to a candle stuck). Since it was to be used for drinking, I put the mod podge on the outside of the jar. It’s not used often, and is always hand washed so it has lasted over 8 years now.