Warning…if you decide to make this popcorn, you will eat all of it (unless you get it out of your house)! I know it’s going to be tempting to keep it to yourself, but you must share it with others (because let’s be honest, popcorn and chocolate should not be consumed in large amounts-sad, I know)! I found this recipe on, where else, but Pinterest! Which sent me over to Bridget at Bake at 350, who originally shared this idea on her blog. The best part about this recipe? You can make it for any holiday (gotta love M&M’s and their themed holiday bags) or you could always make it “just because” too (regular M&M’s are just as delicious as the Bunny Mix).
To make Chocolate Drizzled Popcorn, you’ll need:
- 3 bags of popped popcorn (I used Orville Redenbacher’s Tender White–my new fav)
- 1 bag of M&M’s
- 1 bag of white chocolate chips
Step 1: Pop the popcorn. Once each bag is popped, pour the popped corn into a large bowl. Enjoy a few bites of popcorn before proceeding to the next step!
Step 2: Melt your chocolate chips in the microwave according to package directions. I used the entire bag and microwaved it on medium for about 1 minute 30 seconds. Times will vary!
(While your chocolate is melting, try the popcorn to make sure it still tastes okay!)
Step 3: Pour the melted white chocolate over the popped popcorn. You can also dump the entire bag of M&M’s on top of the mixture as well. Start stirring!
Step 4: Once the popcorn, chocolate, and M&M’s seem to be evenly coated, spread it out on a cookie sheet or two in a single layer to cool.
Step 5: After about 10 minutes, your popcorn should be ready to enjoy!
You can store it in a large bowl, or package it in individual baggies to share with others (like I said, get it out of your house)! In my case, I divided it into 8 sandwich baggies, loaded it into a large purse, and enjoyed it with some friends at a viewing of The Hunger Games! Yes, I know it’s wrong to sneak snacks into the movie theater, but it is SO expensive to buy food there! Plus, last time I checked they don’t sell Chocolate Drizzled Popcorn, so that makes it okay, right?!
I’m linking up here!

I just added your web page to my bookmarks. I enjoy reading your posts. Thank you!
Thanks! I’m glad you’re enjoying the blog! 🙂
I love this recipe! I made something similar at Halloween! Thank you for sharing our Project Pinterest on your blog! I am so greatful that you did!
Isn’t it addicting?! I’m so excited for Project Pinterest…looking forward to it!