Spring is in the air! Well, at least it is here in Georgia! To help put myself in a “Spring-y” sort of mood, I made one of my favorite Christmas cookies! Yes, I’m serious. I like to make Butterscotch Haystacks around the holidays, especially to take to parties. It’s not your typical cookie, and they just taste so good. Since it is most definitely not Christmas, I’m giving this cookie a spring twist by adding some Reese’s Pieces Eggs as bird eggs in a nest. This is where I would usually have a picture of the ingredients. I was apparently an anxious baker this day because no such picture was taken!
To make Easter Bird’s Nest Cookies you’ll need:
- 1 cup butterscotch chips
- 1 cup milk chocolate chips
- 1 bag or can of chow mein noodles
- 1 cup peanuts
- 1 bag of Reese’s Pieces Eggs or Peanut M&M’s
Let me just start by saying these may be the easiest thing to make in the whole world! This recipe makes about 2 dozen cookies.
Start by melting your butterscotch and chocolate chips in the microwave according to package directions. While those are melting, dump your chow mein noodles and peanuts into a large bowl. Once your chips are melted, pour over the dry ingredients and begin to stir!
After your mixture is well coated, begin spooning out small stacks (or bird’s nests) onto parchment or wax paper. As you are working, add two to three Reese’s Pieces Eggs to the center to act as your bird eggs! Soon you’ll have beautiful and impressive Easter Bird’s Nest Cookies to share!
After sitting out a few minutes to set and cool, you can easily store these cookies to bring to a get-together with friends and family. Enjoy!
I was featured at Ten June today! Michelle collected some fantastic Easter DIY projects and recipes! Please go check out her awesome blog for more great ideas and to show her some love!

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