While cleaning out my kitchen desk area I have stumbled across a ton of items that I didn’t even realize where in there. I’ll talk a little more about the kitchen desk re-org another time, but wanted to share a quick little project I did in the middle of it (I needed a de-cluttering break if you know what I mean). So I made these…
Aren’t they cute!?
The best part? I had all the materials on hand so this is another $0 project! I had these cute little felt buttons (no clue why, because I don’t remember buying them, ever), a ton of paperclips, and my trusty glue gun.
To make each clip, I simply put a smaller button behind the top of the paperclip, squeezed on a dab of hot glue, then attached the larger button to the front. Hold it for a few seconds, and it’s set. I use paperclips a lot when I’m organizing coupons to use on shopping trips. I simply clip all the coupons that I know I will definitely use together and put them at the front of my coupon box! This project took me all of maybe two minutes and cost $0 since I already had all the materials on hand! What have you recently made that cost $0? Please share!

[…] top drawer in the middle of the desk is where I put a lot of miscellaneous items such as post its, paperclips, stamps, glue sticks, tape, scissors, etc. It may look a little chaotic, but everything has its […]